Great Lakes Land of Wonder and Terror
a TRULY excellent YT is called “AN INTERVIEW NAMED SOO” with Berserker Bear and Michelle Gibson. It’s all about the engineering impossibility of supposed ‘early American settlers’ making the engineering wonders around Niaga Falls, Lake Eerie, and the massive Sault St Marie (or “Soo”) locks that help control the waters flowing amongst the Great Lakes which are of differing elevations. Soo are the largest water works in the world, and ‘we’ did not build them.
i drill water wells just north of grand rapids and ive seen a few places that i drill through wood anywhere from 100ft to 160ft under ground. one spot was 35 miles away from lake mi. another right by lake mi and wood 100ft down, sure makes you think. the wood comes up in great shape too with no oxygen down there
I live in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and it’s long been said that King Soloman mined his copper from the rich supplies of copper that are still here and being mined to this day. Apparently, the materials were matched to these mines. It was also recorded that his men journeyed for 3 years at a time, each time they went out to mine and load their ships and return. He was sending the Phoenicians out to do this for him, as they were known for being the best sea faring people in the ancient world and could take their ships from sea to rivers by deconstructing them very easily. Even the native Americans have oral histories about these people’s who came here and there has also been some ancient Hebrew style writings found on rock walls, not to mention the Michigan Relics which have been found scattered throughout the entire state. (Many of which have been proven to be of some form if an ancient type of pre-Hebrew style of writing and not a forgery as some people have proposed. Only a few were actually fakes) There’s also some other random monolithic structures throughout the area. They’re just hidden, and others are probably kept secret from the public by the government itself. There’s actually been a huge increase in militarized land in the last few decades for some reason. Everything is becoming off-limits. And this whole area is well known for people going missing.
Look into Isle of Guernsey; Megalithomania channel has excellent info on that. Phelps copper industry in US also intriguing.
Hello Lucius! There is another Perry Monument, definitely not as grandiose at the peace monument, but it is located in the Presque Isle state park, Erie Pa. The City of Erie also houses US Brig Niagara as well as a few statues and information on the war of 1812 at their maritine museum. It was pretty neat to see the old wood warships during their annual tall ships event. History buffs would enjoy the visit. Lake Erie is so shallow it tends to change current directions frequently and much faster than the deeper lakes, so many mariners had difficulty navigating it. (There is also another theory about 2 meteors contributing to forming lake Michigan, as well as one in lake Ontario. I also heard of a basin or bowl like stucture as well, though I cannot find the reference information.) The Great Lakes are indeed very interesting! thank you, Lucius, for making another intriguing video!
There is an intracate cannal system throughout lake county Il. and into Wisconsin. 1-2′ above water line for hundreds of miles of shore line. I bet all the great lakes have them. The temperature of the cannales is much warmer then lake Michigan, though all connected, I could float for miles and get to town in 20 minutes, when it would take that long to drive. And in winter it was just a short walk across the ice. Almost like it was designed to be a boat community. But even on the hottest days in August, lake Michigan was approximately 40° at the shore break. I never saw any Symmetric ice formations, at least not that I recognized from the ground. But there was definitely a pattern in the ice, or an area that never froze. That pattern was the same every year. Awesome video again !
DEWISH ORGanization covers use of energy weapon used to take down the Schoelkopf power station at Niagara Falls. TONS of ‘impossible’ history all around this area.
00:00:00 Wonders and Terrors of the Great Lakes
00:01:42 Map Anomalies
00:08:19 How the Great Lakes Formed
00:10:34 Graveyard of Ships
00:19:41 Zones of Doom
00:20:47 The Tallest Doric Column in the World
00:31:19 A Previous Civilization?

BELOW: The Great Lakes look like wells.

the Serenity and the beauty of the Great Lakes hides many secrets and as you look
over this very interesting rock face at The Wonder of Lake Superior going off into the Horizon you could be understood
to realize that there doesn't appear to be any sort of mystery here it's a beautiful natural area and yet the Great
Lakes behind its veneer of beauty hides many Mysteries there are many strange
occurrences such as odd architecture with the Perry Victory and International Peace Monument there's also the fact
that the Great Lakes don't appear on many early Maps perhaps the cartographers were simply not aware of
them we have many shipping losses that have occurred in the Great Lakes throughout the years strange weather
phenomenon and one wouldn't expect that to be the case yet there's not a single graveyard in the Great Lakes every
single one of the Great Lakes is a massive shipping graveyard so what's exactly the situation here do we have
strange weather patterns is it simply a place where perfect storms occur we also
have the presence of these very intriguing cities such as Chicago or shil laga on Lake Michigan and least we
forget Cleveland another city that we've explored off Lake Erie many great cities and many strange phenomenon along with
Milwaukee why is it we have these mysteries on the great lakes and why is this such an overlooked area join me as
we explore these Mysteries and try to un unravel this vortex in the terrifying Great
Lakes the first question is the map anomaly why are the Great Lakes not actually on the maps that we have when
Map Anomalies
you look at the Great Lakes if you're not familiar with the area it's well known for being a very peaceful and Serene area especially the landscape
around it this is also stated to be the largest freshwater ecosystem system in the land and it's in the middle of North
America although it should be noted that there are larger sources of fresh water in South America and in Asia from Russia
at this day but the Great Lakes has a special mystery and Beauty behind it that many Overlook because it does seem
like it's a peaceful area and the first anomaly being the maps ah yes this
lovely map where we have California depicted as an island we do actually have a large body of water here in these
rather strange mountains that look to be where Wisconsin and Iowa are today
running east to west but perhaps the cartographers simply didn't know about the presence of the Lakes it is rather
strange though since we understand the first explorations of North America to occur were done on boats going down the
waterways and looking for different points of interest and it's rather odd that such large lakes which the Great
Lakes are indeed very large would be missed by the early cartographers but again it was early
exploration and perhaps it just simply took them a little period of time to understand the land that may not be as
mysterious as it seems but again it's another Oddity because we do have these
early maps that were made by cartographers who needed to know exactly how to depict the various sea routes and
the understanding of the land for proper navigation and even on these later Maps
where we see we don't have the dramatic depiction of California as an island we still still don't have any Great Lakes
we do have Sheil laga present at least where we'd expect Chicago to be although some argue it's Montreal and maybe it is
who knows for sure that's the whole point though it's rather odd that these Maps would be so precise and yet omit a
major detail as the great lakes and we have Florida depicted in wonderful
detail here and we have these other strange cities or castles or whatever
this is really supposed to claim and other odd settlements that seem to be
properly labeled now really go back in time and think about this as they were making these maps how could there really
be so many misconceptions yet with exact coordinates which you can really take from the lines of latitude and longitude
on these early Maps it's always mystified me with the fact that we don't have the Great Lakes shown on so many of
them and indeed it's not until you reach the maps of the 1700s and the 1800s when
you start to see even the early depiction of the Great Lakes although another Oddity is that even some of the
later Maps omit them when we'd expect them to be there I mean really think on
this this is the largest freshwater ecosystem in the world and yet it was
omitted from these maps of exploration we had these great Spanish and French explorers that were trumping all over
the land of North America and yet somehow they miss the Great Lakes but they did manage to properly catalog
certain mountain ranges or mountain ranges that weren't there anymore again it's just that odd fact with maps that
we don't always know exactly what we're looking at and we have so many variations ah Norm bega what exactly is
Norm bega so many different questions and so many considerations and yet as time passed
you can see that eventually the Great Lakes did find their way onto the early Maps but it's rather strange that it
seemed to be the St Lawrence Seaway which was gradually widened and then all of a sudden the Lakes appeared in the
later Maps now really consider that question was there actually a time when
the Great Lakes were not present well official history tells us that the Great
Lakes were formed very recently but certainly not within the last couple hundred of year hundreds of years and
then we also see other variations of maps with California still depicted as an island or a separate land mass but we
do have some large larger bodies of water but again you can see here that it seems to be incomplete and uncertain so
perhaps the Explorers the cartographers they just simply didn't understand exactly where everything was but again
the fact that this persisted for such a long period of time when we had accurate
navigation methods it does seem to be the first prevalent mystery behind the great lakes that real question of were
they always there were they always there even in more recent times than we'd like to believe
because if these Maps were accurate and if they were properly surveyed then we
should see the Great Lakes on them but we see absolutely nothing showing any sort of lake and why is that the
situation now of course as long with everything else it seems as though the first proper maps that fully cataloged
and surveyed the Great Lakes came from the 1800s or the late 77 1900s depending on if you accept the original
publication and composition time for these maps and we finally start to get
the sign that there are Great Lakes there even with the proper names it's
such an anomaly because of the fact that if you think about how large these Great Lakes are how could they have ever been
missed but of course once the 1800s came along the entire United States came into
being and it seems as though the Great Lakes came into being now I'm speaking with dramatic flare in this particular
situation but it is very strange to me and I think it's one of the most compelling Mysteries that there was a
time on many maps that there were no Great Lakes displayed at all and again
it's only on the more recent Maps it is rather strange that we have so many events that allude to the
1800s officially the Great Lakes were formed by the passage of glaciers and we'll take a brief look at that from our
scientific interpretations of it and look at our official mainstream explanation for why the Great Lakes
exist I remember my first understanding of the Great Lake Superior having enough
water in it to flood all of North and South America a foot deep I don't know if that fact is true but that's
something that was relayed to me in one of my early classes and here you can see the whole
How the Great Lakes Formed
concept of how Glaciers are stated to have passed over this landscape and very
recently within the last 10 to 12, years again we always have these precise dates from the past these glaciers passed over
the landscape left dead ice behind and this is what is responsible for the very
exact and precise formation of the Great Lakes the glacial formation of the Great
Lakes I've always found it intriguing though that this did not happen in other portions of the land this only happened
very specifically in North America now I'm not suggesting that this is impossible merely pointing out the fact
that this is a unique occurrence all of these incredible lakes formed by this
Glacier all in this exact same period and here we have the statement 12,500
years before present now there's even claims that there were Natives and inhabitants that witnessed this all
happened right in front of their eyes although granted it was on a very long timeline although with our normal
chronology we tend to see that natural formations such as this don't take place over over a couple hundred or even a
couple thousand years it's usually something that takes place over millions of years and so right here we already
have a strange anomaly in addition to the map concept with the Great Lakes
they aren't on the earlier maps and it seems as though even the scientific explanation says that they formed very
recently and when you go to the landscape and the area around the Great Lakes you will find that there are many
intriguing anomal that even go past their Legend of natural formation and yes I say Legend of natural formation
because there are claims there were inhabitants that actually witnessed this happen but there's lots of remnants of
very intriguing architecture and infastructure that exist across the Great Lakes again we could say it's
easily explainable because there's many natural resources that flow out of the Great Lakes there's also an incredible
amount of shipwrecks all over and there's many different explanations to
explain the situation for why what we would expect to be peaceful Inland Lakes
Graveyard of Ships
even if they are large have so many vicious weather situations within them
and why are all the Great Lakes known to be ship
graveyards it's another one of those puzzling Mysteries that seems to be overlooked here you have it the maps of
the graveyard of the Great Lakes in Lake Superior all of these ships that have
sunk or disappeared over time now the prevailing explanation is that there is
a unique weather condition that exists within the great lakes and one of these
weather conditions is called the three sisters in Lake Superior a series of three rogue waves brought about by
extreme weather conditions again not exactly something that we'd be expecting and perhaps one of the most famous
shipwrecks on Lake Superior being the loss of the Edmund Fitzgerald which occurred very recently in the
1970s and when you look at Lake Michigan you'll see that it's no different a vast array of shipwrecks and shipping losses
over the years I'm also impressed by the fact that we have a very precise and
exact record going all the way back to the 1600s of every single large ship
that was lost over time in these Great Lakes again I'm not suggesting that it's impossible it's just intriguing that we
have these documents and these records so well kept because often times when we have shipping losses they tend to be OB
fiscated with Legend and myth many times we'll have people that are Skeptics or
investigators who will tell us that shipping losses are merely the subject of myth and Legend and that they didn't
really happen or if we did in fact have all these major recks since 1600 here in
Lake hon that they are very well documented and wellknown and we know that every single one of these ships
were lost due to unfortunate circumstances but there's no mystery there's never any
mystery although when we look deeper into the Legends and the myths behind
the Great Lakes we start to see that there are many more Mysteries we looked at their formation and the lack of the
fact that they're on early maps and now we have this strange weather phenomenon
that occurs not just in Lake Superior but in all of the Great Lakes with all
of these shipping losses and every single one of the Great Lakes being a true ship graveyard not exactly what
we'd expect and if you talk to Mariners they will tell you that for the most part sailing on the Great Lakes is
rather easy that there is no real weather difficulty to be expected but then contrary to their initial
expectations once bad weather comes up it becomes some of the most difficult conditions many of them have seen now
what are really the differences between sailing on a freshwater lake and sailing in the open ocean what are the different
Chan challenges many people will tell you even Beyond Mariners that they wouldn't expect the Great Lakes to be a
difficult place to sail we all understand that it makes sense for Logistics to go outside the great lakes
and there's many products that are produced and shipped out on the St Lawrence seway to the open ocean the
loss of the Edmund Fitzgerald as recently as 1975 and Gordon Lightfoot of
course did the song on it and there's mystery behind this because the Edmund
Fitz Dr was very well documented quote unquote and it was very well tracked as
it went off on its path and yet suddenly encountered very bad weather of course
this is one of the many hundreds of ships that we see that have been lost
over time is there some sort of strange phenomenon that occurs on the Great Lakes some bizarre weather pattern that
occurs that may be the result of some other forces even Beyond weather there's no doubt that there are rogue weather
patterns that occur all over the land at strange times but there do seem to be certain areas where these strange
weather patterns occur with some sort of Habitual recurrence and why is this why
is it that this legend of the three sisters which apparently doesn't seem to be as much of a legend as we might think
exist on the Great Lakes how is it that there are these weather phenomenon that can cause these very extensive shipping
losses in these what are supposed to be easy to Traverse Inland seas and these
are freshwater Seas granted that they're large enough and filled with a lot of water to be somewhat intimidating
because I still remember that factor whether it's true or not that there's enough water in Lake Superior to flood all of North and South America a foot
deep who knows maybe there's a lot more water in it than we can imagine but there are documentations and official
accounts of horrific weather patterns that have affected shipping over the years on the Great Lakes to say nothing
for sailing there during the winter because we are operating here at more Northern latitudes and I think that's
one of the things that's always drawn me to the mystery of the Great Lakes that tends to be overlooked because there are
a lot of shipping losses and by the way there's not just shipping losses there's also been numerous Aviation incidences
around the great lakes and indeed the area was featured in UN in search of episode The Mystery of the Great Lakes
and oddly enough people tend to overlook it because they see the Serenity and beauty of the Great Lakes and also the
fact that it is a major area for population there are many cities on the great lakes and they don't think of it
as an area of mystery but is it possible that there's something much more Insidious going on
here that there could be some strange implications of bizarre electromagnetic
phenomenon that are occurring on the Great Lakes there's even the presence of the original agonic line that flowed
through the middle of the Great Lakes now you may recall the agonic line that we've explored in the past it's
constantly shifting over time which is very odd in and of itself because the existence of this line might be a
reference to the changing of magnetic forces over time and again it could be
another reference to strange phenomenon that are occurring that we can't easily explain and whether we're in the great
lakes or in that little area of the Caribbean that we've talked about and explored in the past could there be
connection could it even be possible that we're looking at some old effects from some technology of a previous
civilization again these will be dismissed by Skeptics as simply being the wild imagination of people looking
for explanations when there are none that it's simply the reality of the Great Lakes that were very recently
formed weren't depicted on early maps and seem to have been very recently discovered that they just have these
strange weather patterns that exist upon them that it can be hazardous to sail a ship at any point in time through these
strange weather patterns again even though you're on an inland sea of fresh water and you would expect the fact that
you are completely surrounded by land to mitigate any weather patterns and
there's the aviation losses that have occurred over time many strange documented situations where entire
planes have crashed or disappeared and this is certainly not what we'd expect because at the altitude that you fly
you're typically always going to see the land from any direction that you look this isn't flying a plane over the ocean
where it's ocean all the way out to the Horizon you're out an inland sea you're in the middle of North America why would
this be a difficult area where we have Aviation losses and yet again we have numerous Aviation losses very well
documented Aviation losses within our friends the media talking about an airplane carrying 58 missing over Lake
Michigan and again how large is Lake Michigan especially from the air perhaps we could understand and some ships being
lost due to weather phenomenon but what about these strange Aviation losses that tend not to make a lot of sense why is
it we have airplanes that have disappeared frequently over the great lakes and we even have this Memorial to
Northwest flight 2501 disappeared or went down June 23rd
1950 now all these people who lost their lives Perhaps it is just an isolated
Aviation incident and certainly accidents do occur but why are there so
many of them and why is it the fact that this phenomenon seems to be confined to
the great lakes in the area around the Great Lakes there comes a point in time when you have a situation that recurs so
many times that you have to start paying attention to it there are rumors Legends and myths of a triangle of Doom or a
zone of Doom that exists over Lake Michigan where there's been an extreme series of losses of both ships and pl
planes over time now you can certainly look at the records yourself and attempt to ascertain if there is something to
this Theory anytime we have a area of land or water that's designated and
typically whenever there's a triangle well then that's where we tend to have the issue of understanding why these
Zones of Doom
phenomenon exist because often times Skeptics will say this doesn't exist
it's merely the product of imagination or I'm going to sit out and I'm going to debunk this just because there's a lot
of ships and a lot of planes that went down in this particular area doesn't necessarily mean there's anything
strange going on but this goes beyond just shipping and plane losses over time
we also have unexplained phenomenon numerous UFOs very strange weather
patterns that have been seen in and around the Great Lakes over time now what exactly are UFOs un ayfi flying
objects or unidentified aerial phenomenon as we seem to have renamed them here in the 2000s but whatever you
want say it's hard to ignore the fact that there are so many accounts of these strange events all centered around this
area again Perhaps it is just an incredible coincidence maybe there's
something within this fresh water that simply causes us to believe that there's weird events and we simply can't come
The Tallest Doric Column in the World
with an explanation on the topic of strange events let's explore the really
unique architecture of the Perry Victory and International Peace Monument this is
to commit memorate the victory of Oliver Hazard Perry a US Naval hero during the
very interesting War of 1812 when he managed to build a fleet on Lake Erie
and defeated the British Fleet which was also built on the other side of Lake Erie in a decisive Naval conflict in
1812 this Monument was constructed according to official sources from 1912
to 1915 it happens to be the largest Doric column in the world of course it's
the largest dork column in the world what else would it be and constructed right before World War I at least the
United States entry into World War I how fascinating this was apparently a very decisive Victory this battle of Lake
Erie that Oliver Hazard Perry LED and for whatever reason it stopped the
attempted British control of the Great Lakes I find it rather fascinating
though that it wasn't really that decisive because at the time the British had the greatest Navy in the world and
they did actually land an expeditionary force that burned Washington DC to the ground but for whatever reason securing
the Great Lakes was decisive to winning the war of 1812 also rather strange the War of 1812 was named after a year and
not something else you know the war of preventing sailor impressment or something I guess it just doesn't sound
as cool I mean why hasn't there ever been another War that's been named after a year beyond that we do have early
construction photos of this impressive dor column and of course we see the
exact same construction techniques that we've seen in all the other construction photos that we have of virtually all the
structures that were built from oh I don't know 1860 to 1930 it seems like
now maybe it's possible maybe we did really build this structure and maybe we
had individuals such as this people who work 24 hours a day 6 days a week and only had Sundays off when they would
spend the entire day in church who constructed these very very impressive
blocks that completed the Perry International Peace and victory Monument yes I'm mixing it
up there it's just intriguing to me that this Monument is to commemorate Perry's Victory over the British but then it's
also to celebrate the peace that's existed between the United States Canada and Great Britain I guess that was still
a big thing in the early 1900s prior to the special relationship that was enjoyed by the United States in the
United Kingdom and of course the subsequent signing of the Atlantic Charter seriously look into the Atlantic
Charter it's quite intriguing but on the interior of this very impressive Monument once again we see interesting
symbols and we see construction techniques and detailing that we certainly don't see the construction
photos really convincing us that this was all done now again I'm not saying that we didn't actually have the
evidence that our civilization built this impressive Monument it's just rather strange that some of the most
dramatic and beautiful artistic Impressions especially on the interior
we never have construction photos that really detail how those were completed well perhaps nobody wanted to photograph
that it would just simply be boring we've got three very hardworking individuals in a photograph that were
clearly shaping the blocks and that should be good enough for us and maybe we did indeed construct this but once
again it's rather odd to think of the fact that we don't build monuments like this anymore and keep in mind that this
was also stated to have been done by a multi State Commission because again what else would it be whenever we're
looking for an explanation on something like this I've always found this strange though that the largest dor column just
happens to be off of Lake Erie I I mean I know that you know Perry's Victory was
an incredible moment for an American Triumph in the War of 1812 was the time
when the United States really displayed that it was finally a power that was
truly free of the control of Great Britain and subsequently the United Kingdom at least that's what the
official history says about it again that very odd war that happened while the Napoleonic wars were occurring and
for whatever reason was a very indecisive conflict it also showed that
there were limitations in terms of what could be done but then for whatever reason large expeditionary forces could
be landed oversea and sustained over time very interesting icons and symbols
though that continue to appear on this impressive Monument this Monument for victory and International Peace although
how exactly do you say it's International Peace when you all talk in three nations don't ask me it's very
intriguing though does it give us the impression that perhaps there is some other origin to this particular Monument
maybe these symbols mean something else and have an entirely different explanation behind them because I'm
always amazed at the fact that we have these symbols that don't seem to match what we would think of as the
traditional symbols of well the United States States the United Kingdom and Canada at that particular time frame I
mean you can see we've got the three modern national flags there hanging up so I guess that's how we say it's the
International Peace Monument to say nothing of what was actually put on the walls in painstaking detail and whatever
the true materials of it were and then in this nearby museum at this display you'll see a more modern statue that
depicts the great US Naval hero Oliver Hazard Perry himself we have met the
enemy and they are ours and yet once again you can see that you know I mean
it's a statue but you look at the very impressive tallest Doric column in the world in the background I mean yes it is
it does appear to be made out of blocks so maybe we did it but it's again just
another Oddity because whenever you look in the interior of these impressive monuments you again see construction and
detailing that seem to be beyond what would have been the expected capab abilities at the time now again the
explanation is well they didn't have bureaucracy they didn't have safety standards and people work 6 days a week
or 7 days a week in many cases they didn't need to eat they didn't need to defecate all they did was they worked
they worked they worked they worked they never had any time or consideration for leisure never mind the fact that we had
amusement parks that were very well documented in that time as well and that's how they were able to complete these very impressive constructions and
in the past we just simply had more of a param importance that we devoted to our national monuments and our state
monuments while we're at it that we could Adorn them to be so incredibly beautiful in the exterior but then in
the interior make them accessible to the individual I always think about how the Sir Walter Scott monument in Edinburgh
in Scotland it has an interior walkway and stairways in it because I guess you need those things and this is the view
of the very surrounding and modest community that you can see from the Perry Monument
so once again it's a series of questions that again don't have many good answers
I mean you can look at those photos and you can accept the fact that yes those photos do very well document the
construction of the Perry Monument I mean why we don't have a better chronology of photos that show it from
start to finish maybe there were just limitations but again going Beyond this
Monument to other cities and communities such as duth off of Lake Superior there do seem to be many Mysteries and
anomalies the rapid formation here of the Canal Zone in duth Minnesota this
particular Canal was stated to have been dug out by the good people of duth when they didn't want to lose their port and
their shipping rights to nearby Superior in Wisconsin so the people went out with
their shovels and they dug out this entire Canal Zone yes it makes perfect sense doesn't it and that's exactly what
we're informed happened then of course the Army Corps of Engineers showed up because I guess the US government had an
interest in making sure that theth would be the major port and not Superior Wisconsin and that's how they completed
this very impressive Canal Zone yes the aerial lift bridge is quite an engineering Wonder as well and who knows
what the real origin on it is we're assured that we constructed it and oddly enough when you look at its origin it
actually wasn't an aerial lift bridge it was a ferry bridge and then they converted it into an aerial lift bridge
very interesting from an engineering point of view and duth has many unique architectural anomalies within it from
Central High School that we've looked at before and you can look at the foundation of duth another one of these
interesting cities that grew up in a very short amount of time off the great lakes and apparently duth was so
successful that the people of Georgia decided to name one of their new communities after it and this occurred
in the 1870s right after Georgia was still reeling from Sherman's March but I
guess they got over the Civil War pretty quickly whenever you look at these impressive monuments whether you're in
Cleveland or Detroit you you often times see this this isn't just the Perry Monument but there's many others that
commemorate the Civil War the war between the states or the war of the Great Rebellion or all the other names
that we seem to have for it from the 1800s and you again see some very interesting construction materials that
are used you also see an interesting amalgamation of symbols that don't seem
to conform or match it's very intriguing when you think about how this all lines
up with the fact that we do have some symbols that we might expect to see that do seem to represent what we'd think of
as the United States at the time but then we have conflicting symbols that don't seem to match exactly what we're
seeing they seem to represent something else now is it possible that there was still a focus on these particular
symbols at the time I suppose so but it's always interesting how the more
defined depictions of the United States Civil War usually seem to be added on later and then on the actual Monument
itself you see conflicting symbols that we'd not expect to see such as the little wreath and the diamond in the
background what exactly is that supposed to be representing the great Union 12 Corp of Ohio I'm not really sure but you
see this in all the Civil War monuments all across the land and oddly enough
monuments in other lands where they didn't have a US Civil War do seem to look rather the same all of this in the
A Previous Civilization?
Great Lakes area all of these Mysteries this architecture these disappearing ships these strange weather phenomenon
these magnetic forces these sightings of strange aerial phenomenon or
unidentified flying objects the loss of Aviation over time and other strange
things that are observed in and around the Great Lakes it tells us that there are many more Mysteries behind the
Serenity and beauty and now let us take a look underneath the surface of the Great
Lakes it's under the surface of the Great Lakes that we find even more strange structural phenomenon
ruins that appear to be sunken some people who say that these are the remnants of the great lak's own monolith
if you will or their own Stonehenge now I haven't actually personally dived and
explored these particular ruins but the fact that they're at the bottom of the Great Lakes is yet another mystery is it
possible that what we're looking at here is the remnant of some sort of great structure that may have once been part
of an apparatus that was part of a greater technology including magnetic
forces over time could it have been that the civilization that came before us not only had the power to Fashion the Great
Lakes artificially utilizing great means of Technology but they also had the power to change the very magnetic forces
that are present in the Great Lakes is it possible that the agonic line is more
than simply a line where magnetic north is 0° and there's no declination but it
could actually be a line where realities meet where we have multiple different physical realities that there is still
the possibility that they overlap because of the fact that this technology is still active in some way shape or
form there are many anomalous ruins both above and below the surface in the Great Lakes area and if you get around to the
Great Lakes whether you're around Lake Superior or Lake Michigan you'll find that beyond all of these particular
ruins there's no shortage of very impressive and structures things that you wouldn't
expect to see not only are we talking about the lighthouses we're talking about early forts early structures and
then of course there's all the impressive unique anomalous architecture in the great cities that we've explored
such such as Chicago Cleveland Milwaukee duth and many others and so it just
continues to overlap all these Mysteries that we have with this particular area
for example this particular terrain feature this rock formation we're certainly to understand that this is a
natural rock formation according to official sources And yet when we look at it and study it we can't help but wonder
if there's a little bit more behind it is it possible that this could be the remnant of some artificial structure of
course we know that that's not to be the case if we accept the mainstream explanation behind things but there is
also the numerous reports of unidentified flying objects or as we say
now unidentified aerial phenomenon that are associated with the Great Lakes why
is it that this is such a Confluence of so many different Mysteries you realize
that there is much more behind the wonders of the Great Lakes there are also Terrors to behold could it be that
these are just simply visual anomalies and when you explore the waters you'll find no shortage of interesting little
land masses such as this that once again cause you to question if this is really just simp a natural formation could this
be the remnants of some previous great artificial formation and you'll find this all over the Great Lakes whether
you're on Lake Superior Lake hon Lake Michigan Lake Ontario or Lake Erie the
very strange structures that are both above and below the surface and going
back to the strange weather phenomenon that occur in the Great Lakes the strange weather phenomenon being used to
explain all the shipping losses over the last hundreds of years that have been very well documented and are very well
known water spouts and tornadoes that occur along with the very difficult
weather conditions in extreme wind to say nothing of the three sisters or the three rogue waves that'll appear in Lake
Superior or do they appear in all the great lakes and this is the reason why we have these extensive shipping losses
there's also the unique formation of rather impressive ice patches on the top
of the Great Lakes and you'll find that these ice patches are very aesthetically pleasing and yet oddly symmetrical now
again this is a natural phenomenon but it is a very unique natural phenomenon
where you have formations of ice such as this I suppose you could say it's much in the same way that a snowflake forms
and yet this is something that seems to be confined to the Great Lakes where you have ice appearing on the surface and
these very impressive natural and symmetrical patterns is it possible there may be another explanation behind
this or again is it just simply a natural phenomenon that we just accept
so many intricacies and So Many Wonders to behold upon the great lakes and
whether you visit them in the summer or the winter spring or the fall there is always something unique about it and if
you're someone who's more used to swimming in places like the Caribbean I strongly suggest you get used to
immersing yourself in very cold water as the Great Lakes will no doubt seem very cold to you even if you go in
August the weather patterns have been well known over years and yet we have
the indication that perhaps the weather patterns are becoming more severe yet the official historical account also
indicates that the weather patterns have always been severe along the Great Lakes so is there a definitive reason for this
or is it just because of their unique location why is it that we have so many
exceptions for the very existence of the Great Lakes and I would be remiss if I
didn't mention the fact that there was actually a cyclone a hurricane likee storm that did occur over Lake hiron in
the mid 1990s certainly something that defies all of our explanation or expectations because we'd expect a
hurricane to happen somewhere in the ocean the Caribbean any one of the Gulfs across the land or the areas where we
have hurricanes but not over Lake hon but this really did happen so is there
another reason for this there's also the rumors of the very unexpected vortexes
that have occurred and Ontario now it's intriguing to think that the explanation for these vast
shipping losses over the last several hundred years vary between the Great Lakes is it all because of odd weather
patterns or is there something else going on indeed there are even rumors that at the bottom of Lake Ontario are
some rather enigmatic structures again these structures that may be reflecting
the remnants of an apparatus of a previous civilization or again it could
just all be an incredible coincidence but here you see this interesting sh structure that looks rather artificial
in my mind but maybe it's just my imagination and again I haven't actually been down there and that this is the
explanation for the formation of this Vortex does it have something to do with it on the bottom of Lake Ontario or
again is it all just part of that incredible massive coincidence looking at some of the land
formations in the very coasts of the Great Lakes you do also witness some rather dramatic changes between how the
land Alters from the lake to the actual height of it or if you recall looking at
the opening video of this particular exploration you notice that there's some rather interesting rock formations Ridge
lines and a mixture of rubble along with overall great Rock now again it could be
natural but one can't simply dismiss the fact that there are many legends that indicate that there were Great Serpent
that once existed in the Great Lakes is it possible that the Great Lakes were actually formed artificially in their
entirety by this previous Civilization now I know this sounds like a very dramatic and far-fetched explanation or
Theory but consider the possibility mainstream sources indicate that the great lakes formed relatively recently
in the grand sequence of geological processes there's also the understanding
that if the Great Lakes were formed artificially by a previous civilization perhaps they had some other reason for
doing it did it provide this ecosystem that they were trying to nourish certain
types of life or did they have some other aims entirely that go beyond our ability to
explain or again it could just simply be a massive coincidence perhaps if uh you
go around Lake Superior on the North side maybe you'll find a borad wandering
around from powerful and if anybody understands this reference please let me know in the
comments but looking at the profile of the Great Lakes we can see how the elevation changes in the depth of each
of the Lakes it's intriguing to think of the fact that we haven't actually mapped or understand the bottom of all the
lakes and yet they are relatively deep certainly not anywhere as deep as the ocean so we would expect to have a
better understanding of each of the Great Lakes it's also intriguing when you think of the changes in this elev
going from the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes themselves and how little of an understanding we actually have of
What Lies Beneath the surface again it could just all be a series of coincidences all coincidences that all
just happen to have a Confluence in this particular area of land known as the
great lakes that these shipping losses were all just the result of bad weather bad luck or hard charging captains such
as the captain of the Edmund Fitz TR who is stated to be one of those Skippers who took a ship into all kinds of
difficult weather conditions although one asked to ask the question how exactly does one go about avoiding
difficult weather in the Great Lakes if they're beset by difficult weather all the time when you look at a map such as
this it doesn't seem like the shipping losses are that extensive but if you recall the earlier Maps we look at they
are quite extensive and they are very well documented in full detail all the way back to the
1600s so Tak thinking it all together what do we have with the Great Lakes this land of Wonder and this land of
Terror is it possible that there are anomalies and enigmas here that we will never fully explain or understand why is
it that we had a certain researcher who just happened to be from rine Wisconsin who decided not to even investigate any
of these strange mysteries in the Great Lakes as he was a research librarian you
would think that would have been one of his first considerations to debunk the great Mysteries his homeland but he
decided to focus on the Caribbean for reasons unknown and that seems to be the situation that many people do Overlook
what we have with these Mysteries of the of the Great Lakes even though this is right in the backyard of both Canada and
the United States there's also the presence of these many impressive lighthouses across all the Great Lakes
such as Split Rock Lighthouse here vicinity 2 Harbors in Minnesota north of duth here you have one of these very
impressive lighthouses that was constructed for what we understand was the warning of navigation for ships on
the Great Lakes to prevent shipping losses and this was purported to have been constructed in the early 1900s but
you can see that there's some very impressive Construction in this very isolated area indeed duth and Two
Harbors are two very interesting communities to explore from an old world perspective now again I will say it's
possible we could have constructed this lighthouse in our current civilization but you can go walk this site today and
come to your own conclusions I've been here and I will admit that there are some rather unique anomalies with this
particular site even the quarters for the lighthouse keepers are very well constructed brick establishments now it
is possible that they did it and they put all this effort into it but it's very interesting when you step back and
you explore this particular site in person which I recommend if you have the ability to do that you do you'll get the
idea that it hints at something much more than just simply a lighthouse and some quarters that are located by it
here we have our construction photo and once again we have our iron frame construction that always seems to
accompany anything with brick and masonry constructions from the late 1800s to the early 1900s is that really
what this is why do we have an individual that's just standing on top of that iron frame and not even balancing themselves it's as though they
don't care if they take the Fatal plunge and maybe they didn't you know they were working so hard all the time days a week
with only Sunday off with Sunday spent all day in church and they walked uphill to school and work both
ways but if you can actually get on site to Split Rock Lighthouse I advise paying
close attention to the Natural terrain and also the break between what we
understand to be the lighthouse Foundation itself and the natural terrain they seem to be very well
Blended together and that's the mystery that we have along with the fact that many of these lighthouses are stated to
have haunted apparitions with them who knows exactly what's going on overall
with the Great Lakes there's so many different Visual and physical anomalies to be encountered now of course you can
just simply handwave it all away and say that it's all a massive coincidence it just happens to be the only largest
freshwater ecosystem in the land that's in the middle of North America and there's nothing else quite like it
anywhere there are so many different Mysteries So Many Wonders and Terrors that we could explore in much great
detail with all the great lakes and all the settlements and cities and accounts with them we could dive underwater and
spend endless amounts of time looking at the ruins and trying to find an exact explanation some sort of understanding
for why is it these lakes that even according to mainstream science have formed rather recently have all of these
Mysteries associated with them but as always I leave it to you it could well be that the mainstream explanation is
correct it could well be that this is just simply a Confluence of many different anomalies shipping losses strange
weather phenomenon the agonic line these sightings of UFOs all the product of
imagination all in one particular geographical area or it could be this
really is an area that does have some tremendous significance to it what do you think let me know in the comments do
you think there's anything unique terrifying or special with the Great Lakes well thank you for joining Jo to
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