Zodiac Ghost Communicating by Sally Riley
At the Zodiac Club, Sally Riley’s ghost investigation felt like a noir film with a supernatural twist. Among the highlights: a spectral woman captured in a mirror, orbs appearing near furniture, and a spirit practically directing Riley to retake a photo for their grand entrance. The climax involved an emotional conversation with a ghost, a man tied to a tragic fire who couldn’t leave without helping a woman named Katherine cross over. The room chilled to a startling degree as the ghosts found peace, leaving investigators awestruck and wishing they had more time to ask questions.
I wanted to share some of the pictures that I captured at the Zodiac Club. In one of the pictures I captured the image of a woman in the mirror. I tied to be very careful not to shoot pictures when anyone was standing around.
In the same picture to the right of Merlin, there appears to be a faint orb on the wall of the balcony. In the second picture, there appears to be an orb to the bottom right of the stool that is at the top of the stairs. The stool is where you can see the red covering overlaying the bottom of the seat.
The third picture was the most interesting. I was getting a very strong impression of a spirit around the tub. I shot one picture, however, I thought I was having a problem with the camera as I did not see the flash in the back of the camera that usually occurs when you shoot. I immediately took another picture. That one appeared to have worked.
After I had my husband download the pictures from the camera, I noticed that both shots appeared. The first was normal, but the second one had the strong appearance of an orb.
It was almost like the spirit made me do a retake so he could appear in the shot!
In the fourth shot, there appears to be an orb in front of the green drape painted on the right hand side. Also there appears to be some fainter orbs that appear near the ceiling on the upper right hand side. Earlier in the evening, you had identified that there was a spirit that was to the left of me. Well, he stayed with me the whole evening. Sally thought that he felt that we may have been sympathetic souls that could some how help him. I have to admit that, as I sat there trying to eat and have a conversation with Sally, it was a very hard thing to do as I was getting an extremely intense feeling from him being at my side. In fact, it felt for awhile that he was actually holding on to my left arm –like he wanted to lead me somewhere and he wasn’t going to give up until he got me where he wanted me to go.
To make a long story short, we (Sheila, Sally and I) wound up having a conversation with our friend. He told us that the woman in the ladies room was Katherine. She was caught in a fire. He had tried to get her out, but he couldn’t. They held him back as there was nothing he could do. He begged us to help her. He said that he couldn’t leave without her. One of the interesting answers that Sheila got was that he did not realize that he was on another plane. That is when all three of us attempting to help Katherine out. It seemed a little easier since we could call her by name.
We had a conversation with her and told her that she could leave to be with her friends and relatives and for her to follow the light if she saw one. The strangest thing happened. After conversing with her for about five minutes in between interruptions for ladies taking bathroom breaks!, it seemed that something happened. There seemed to be a feeling of peace, that she made it across. That is when we had you take the second temperature reading and you saw the great decrease in temperature.
We returned back to where we were talking to our friend and I felt nothing. It was like the two of them were able to be joined together again! It was sad as we still wanted to ask him so many other things — like who he was! But on the way home, I was getting additional impressions.
SOURCE: v5 MGSA Oct 2005