Shepherd College Shepherdstown West Virginia by Beverly Litsinger
In October 2003, Beverly Litsinger conducted a paranormal investigation at Shepherd College in Shepherdstown, West Virginia. Upon arrival, she experienced significant readings on her equipment: an infrared temperature gauge indicated -9°F, and an EMF detector registered levels around 20, even before the formal investigation commenced. In the basement laundry room, a sign advised not to “bother George,” referring to a ghost believed to be a former college employee who died in an accident. Litsinger’s EMF detector recorded readings between 20 and 25 in this area. In an attic where a young girl reportedly committed suicide, photographs captured orbs, and cold spots were detected. Within the dormitories, she sensed multiple spirits, including that of a small child. In an office space, a spirit communicated a desire for solitude, even causing her recording device to turn off repeatedly.
I was invited to come to investigate Shepherd College. The night that I arrived, Steve met me out front of one of the buildings. As I was standing there talking with Steve I was getting readings on my infrared temperature gauge of -9 degrees. My EMF was giving reading of 20 [very high], and this was before I started the investigation.
I was taken to the basement of one of the buildings, and one of the first things that I found interesting was the rules posted in the laundry room. The last room was “do not bother George.” I found out that George was a ghost that haunts the building, and that he was an employee of the college who was killed in an accident. As I was in the basement I was getting readings on my EMF detector from 20 to 25. I will let Steve tell you about what happened with George the spirit in his own article.
We went to the attic in one of the buildings, and we captured orbs in our picture. The attic is a location where a young girl committed suicide. There was cold spot in the attic.
We went to the dorms, and I found a number of ghosts in the dorms. One of the ghosts was a small child.
We went into the office and met a spirit who did not want company. The ghost told us to leave. I tried to record the spirit and it kept turning off my recorder.
SOURCE: v2 MGSA Oct 2003