Ghost Dog by Lauren
The webpage recounts a personal ghost story shared by “Lauren” about a “ghost dog.” The narrator describes strange occurrences after moving into a house where the previous owner and his Doberman were murdered. They encounter unexplained events, including the presence of a shadowy dog resembling the Doberman, which avoids interactions with their living pets but seems to linger in one specific room. It’s framed as a tale of a lost spirit searching for its owner, shared in a macabre storytelling style.
I wanted to share a story that happen to me and my parents. My Parents and I moved from Baltimore City out to the suburbs of Baltimore county about eight years ago. We bought the house and have lived in it now for about five years. We didn’t know until after we purchased the house that the man who lived in the house before us was murdered in the house three years before. Now we know why we got the house so cheap.
We did not pay attention to the tales from neighbors. We were a catholic family and nothing creepy had happened to us until one day when I was across the street smoking a cigarette with my neighbors. This happened six months after we moved in. She told me how the guy died, and she told me about his dog and that the dog was also shot by the killer of the man.
My family has always had dogs. We had a German Shepard and a small terrier living with us in the house. I noticed that the dogs would never go in my room which is in the back of the house. A few months later the small dog died from medical problems and then we just had the German Shepard.
One night when my father was sleeping in his bedroom, my mother and I were sitting in the living room watching TV. My mom asked me too let the dog out. My father later got up and came out of his room too go to the bathroom. He looked at me and mom and asked, “Where is Penny.” I told him that she was “in the yard, why?” He told us that while he in bed he heard the dog come into his room and that she had had licked his hand. We told him that it could not have been Penny because she was outside.
I thought that we must have a ghost dog. I then wondered if the ghost dog stayed in my room because our dogs would never go into the room. One night I was in the living room watching TV. I was by myself and I had let the dog outside again. I was watching a TV show when I suddenly I saw the shadow of a dog that looked like a Doberman pincher. It startled me but I was not scared. Then the dog disappeared.
Later, I asked my neighbor what kind of dog the man had. She told me that it was a Doberman. I recently got another dog –a chow chow rott mix. She will not go into my room, either. The ghost dog doesn’t bother me staying in my room, however. I think the dog is a lost soul looking for his owner.
SOURCE: v4 MGSA Oct 2003