Utica Covered Bridge near Thurmont Maryland by Beverly Litsinger

Utica Covered Bridge near Thurmont Maryland by Beverly Litsinger

In October 2002, Beverly Litsinger and her team conducted a paranormal investigation at the Utica Covered Bridge near Thurmont, Maryland. The bridge is reputedly haunted by the spirit of a young boy who drowned in the nearby river many years ago. During their investigation, the team reported several unusual occurrences:
  • Temperature Anomalies: They recorded a temperature reading of 160°F, which is highly unusual for the area.
  • Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Readings: The team observed EMF readings around 10 milligauss, with a significant spike reaching 430 milligauss at one point.
  • Visual Phenomena: Orbs were seen in the vicinity, and one team member reported witnessing a full-body apparition.
  • Auditory Evidence: The investigators heard a loud cry for help and managed to capture this voice on tape.
These findings led the team to consider the investigation highly successful, contributing to the lore surrounding the Utica Covered Bridge.

This bridge is close to Thurmont. A young boy drown in the river many, many years ago. His spirit has been seen on the bridge.

We got reading of 160 degrees and EMF reading of around 10. One time the EMF meter went to 430. We saw orbs in this area and one member saw a full body apparitions. We also heard a voice cry out loud help and recorded his voice on tape. It was a very successful investigations

SOURCE: v1 MGSA Oct 2002

Utica Covered Bridge near Thurmont Maryland by Beverly Litsinger

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