What was Moloch Ancient Demonic God or Ritual Fire Sacrifice
What was Moloch Ancient Demonic God or Ritual Fire Sacrifice
Who Invented the Witch Formicarius of Johannes Nider
Who Invented the Witch Formicarius of Johannes Nider
Black Plague as crop poisoning reprisal for Templar purge Upset of Money Lending
Black Plague as crop poisoning reprisal for Templar purge Upset of Money Lending
Haldeman Mansion Investigation Bainbridge PA
Haldeman Mansion Investigation Bainbridge PA – Gauss meter response, quiet at around 0.1 Gs for most of the night in the Main House, agitated and skyrocketed up to 13 Gs during our singing of Civil War era songs in the Summer House. Meter sat stationary. We took notice: “It was as if ghosts were dancing or whirling about unseen right in front of us.”
Forest Glen Terrorful Tales of Terrible Toxicities
Forest Glen Terrorful Tales of Terrible Toxicities