My First Ghost Investigation by Susan Kline
The story “My First Ghost Investigation” by Susan Kline details her initial foray into ghost hunting. Key moments include visiting Frederick’s haunted locations, encountering colorful orbs under a bridge, and a chilling ghostly experience at the Mansion near the Catoctin Furnace. The excitement peaked when an EMF detector confirmed a ghost’s presence beside her, accompanied by a temperature drop to 17 degrees. The story captures the thrill of paranormal discovery.
My first ghost investigation was an exciting experience. We took a walk through downtown Frederick, visited some of the haunted locations. I found out a lot of history. We went to many covered bridges, and I forgot my camera. I was lucky, however, that another investigator did not forget his. He had taken some pictures underneath the bridge and showed me he captured a few orbs. I was so excited to see this first-hand. There were many different colored orbs. He had captured red, green and blue –it was great.
Then our last stop was Catocin Furnace and the Mansion. At the Mansion is where I had my ghostly experience. I was walking down the path from the Mansion with Beverly. She was telling history of the Mansion. Then all of a sudden her EMF detector started going off. She said stop, started scanning, and she stopped right beside me. She clamly said, “the ghost is right here.” I almost stopped breathing. Not from being scared but from the excitement. The ghost was on my left side. A chill came over me. I was so cold all of a sudden on that left side. It was different from the chill in the air that night. Beverly started asking for the temperature reader. She scanned the area and right beside me the temperature had dropped to 17 degrees. We then proceeded to introduce ourselves to the ghost. It was a great experience for me. I am looking forward to my next investigation.
SOURCE: v4 MGSA Oct 2003